





为了保证在不同产品中向您提供一致化的服务,智诺下属多个业务应用间建立了统一账号服务体系。在该服务体系的服务范围内,智诺将共同收集和处理您登录、使用体系内应用时与智诺账号注册及登录相关的个人信息;该服务体系内的业务应用,亦均以本政策为基础性的个人信息保护指引文件,并根据需要另行制订独立隐私政策或类似文件。 若我们提供的某款产品有单独的隐私政策或相应的用户服务协议当中存在特殊约定,则该产品的隐私政策或特殊约定将优先适用,该款产品隐私政策和特殊约定未涵盖的内容,以本政策内容为准。

请您注意,本政策不适用于您通过我们的产品或服务而接入的其他第三方产品或服务 (“其他第三方”包括任何第三方网站以及第三方服务提供者 ),具体规定请参照该第三方的隐私政策或类似声明。




(1). 智诺客户端软件 :也称“智诺软件”、“智诺业务应用”,指承载智诺服务的包括智诺网站、客户端在内的各类系统、软件以及智诺根据业务运营需要不时推出的其他域名、系统、软件产品。各智诺软件的实际运营主体应以相应软件的单项提示或声明所示为准。




(5). 授权同意:有时亦表述为“授权”、“同意”,指个人信息主体对其个人信息进行特定处理作出明确授权的行为,包括通过积极的作为作出授权,也包括通过消极的不作为而作出授权。

(6). 删除:是指在实现日常业务功能所涉及的系统中去除个人信息的行为,使其保持不可被检索、访问的状态。

(7). SDK:也称软件开发工具包,行业内泛指特定的软件包、软件框架、硬件平台、操作系统等建立应用软件时的开发工具的集合。

(8). 客户端终端设备:本文中也称“终端”或“终端设备”,指您用来下载、安装使用智诺业务应用的移动互联网终端设备,主要包括手机、PAD。

(9). 智能物联网硬件设备:本文中也称“智能设备”或“硬件设备”,指您通过智诺业务应用所绑定、管理的智能硬件产品。

(10). 权限:本文中也称“应用权限”,指您的客户端终端设备向智诺业务应用开放的系统功能范围,主要包括相册、麦克风、蓝牙、位置。


请您在使用我们提供的各项产品/服务前,仔细阅读并充分理解本政策,与您的权益紧密相关的内容将以加粗或下划线形式重点提示;一旦您使用或继续使用我们的产品/服务时,即意味着您已知悉本隐私政策内容,并已了解我们向您提供的功能,以及功能运行所需的必要个人信息,但并不代表您已同意我们可以收集非必要个人信息,该些信息会根据您使用过程中的授权情况单独征求您的同意。此外,相应客户端终端设备权限并不会默认开启, 当涉及重要或敏感的终端设备权限时,我们会在您使用到相应业务功能时,另行弹窗再次征得您的同意后开启;权限开启后,您还可以随时通过终端设备设置关闭权限;你不同意开启权限,将不会影响其他非相关业务功能的正常使用。针对个人敏感信息,我们还会单独征得您的同意后进行处理。



您的理解和配合对我们保护您及您关联人士的个人信息和隐私安全非常重要。您的身份证件、密码、短信验证码、客户端终端设备验证码及其他私人信息由您自行保管,请您在保管、输入、使用这些信息时,对物理环境、电子环境审慎评估,以防信息外泄。此外,我们的产品与/或服务可以支持您收集或使用含有他人个人信息的内容;为了维护个人信息主体合法权益, 请您在向我们提交、或通过我们的产品与或服务收集他人个人信息前,谨慎确保已合法取得相关主体的授权同意。特别是,若前述信息中涉及儿童个人信息的,您需事先征得对应儿童监护人的同意。


如果您希望撤销您的授权或对协议内容有任何疑问,可通过本协议中以下的联系方式与我们联系。但请您理解并同意,当您撤回某些授权时,将导致与之相关的产品功能不可用,我们无法继续为您提供撤回同意或授权所对应的特定功能和服务,并且您撤回授权的决定不会影响此前基于您的授权而开展的个人信息处理。我们将于15个工作日内回复您的请求: 1.App内在线客服或电话客服与我们联系 2.邮箱support@zeno-tech.com与我们联系。




(一)提供产品 / 或服务以及相应的业务功能

1. 智诺账号的 注册、登录与验证:

A 、个人信息使用范围:


(2)在您为您的账号重置密码时,我们会收集您的短信/邮箱验证码信息 ,这是修改密码功能所必需的信息,若您拒绝提供,将无法成功修改密码,但不影响您使用注册或登录功能(如果您修改前的密码仍然在有效状态)。


(4)为了让您更安全、便捷地登录,若您的客户端终端设备支持指纹功能或面容ID功能,您可选择使用指纹或面容ID的登录方式(并非所有智诺业务应用均支持,请以各应用页面实际提示为准)。您需在您的客户端终端设备上录入您的指纹信息或面容 ID信息完成信息验证,该些信息是您使用本功能所必需的信息。 请您注意, 我们仅接收验证结果,并不收集您的指纹信息或面容ID 信息。脸部图像以及指纹信息属于您的敏感个人信息,若您不需要使用该登录方式,您也可以选择密码或短信验证码的登录方式。 本功能为可选功能,若您不使用,不会影响您使用智诺账号或服务。


(6)您也可以选择绑定第三方账号(包括微信账号、Apple id或其他账号,以各应用界面提示为准),便于我们为您提供快捷的注册或登录服务。本功能为可选功能,若您不使用,不会影响您使用智诺账号或服务。

B 、调用的敏感权限
在Zanuo APP下包括:

C 、使用第三方 SDK
在Zanuo APP下包括:
【用户统一身份认证 IMSAuthentication 】SDK ,用于注册或登录时验证身份正确性。

2. 智诺云服务:
在智诺账号登录前提下,您可以在包括Zanuo APP在内的特定智诺软件中绑定您的智能硬件产品并进行远程操控或管理(即“智诺云服务”)。我们会根据您所选择使用的具体功能收集、使用相应的个人信息:

A 、个人信息使用范围:

当您为使用智诺云服务而绑定您的智能物联网硬件设备并进行配置网络使用时,我们会收集您绑定的智能物联网硬件设备信息(大多数时候为设备序列号、设备验证码;若为无验证码的硬件设备,则需使用设备序列号以及您的账号资料下由我们随机生成的用户令牌信息),和客户端终端设备基本信息(客户端类型、客户端版本号、设备型号、硬件特征码、操作系统版本号、运营商信息) ;在您的智能物联网硬件设备通过WiFi方式进行连接时,我们还会收集您的硬件设备的网络连接方式、运营商、Wifi信息(Wi-fi SSID信息、BSSID信息、信号强度)以及 Wifi密码 ;在您的智能硬件设备通过蓝牙方式进行连接时,我们会收集您的智能硬件设备的蓝牙 Mac地址信息 。这些信息是为了完成智能硬件设备绑定并进一步为您提供智诺云服务而必需的基础信息,若您拒绝提供,您将无法使用智能硬件设备添加功能。此外,在您为您的物联网硬件设备配网时,我们还会使用您客户端终端设备的位置权限来搜索wifi信息、以便为您完成配网功能;您拒绝开启位置权限将使您无法使用该功能。请您注意,该位置信息不上传服务端,我们不会记录和存储
在Zanuo APP下,若您同步在此阶段使用添加设备位置上报、天气相关功能时,我们将在您开启定位、位置权限后收集您客户端终端设备的具体地理位置(包括省市区街道、经纬度),以便为您实现该功能之目的。您可以通过系统设置关闭定位、位置权限拒绝我们收集,这将使您无法使用该项功能,但不影响您使用智能硬件设备添加功能。

当您使用监控视频预览、播放、回放与下载功能时,需要您填写您的监控设备的设备秘钥、短信验证码 ,我们会收集您的监控设备的序列号、设备内网IP、设备外网IP 、当前连接的网络类型、当前网络状态,和您的客户端终端设备的(手机)运营商类型、客户端类型、客户端版本号、操作系统版本、操作系统类型、设备型号、设备屏幕宽度、设备屏幕高度、设备屏幕方向、设备屏幕密度 ,以便您实现该功能之目的;此外,我们还会在您使用预览、回放功能时收集您的客户端终端设备(限手机)的加速度传感器信息 ,用于判断手机横竖屏。该些信息是您使用监控视频查看功能的必要信息,若您拒绝提供,我们将无法为您提供相应服务。
在您对监控设备进行录像查询时,我们会收集您的监控设备的序列号,和您的客户端终端设备的客户端类型、客户端版本号以及查询录像结果、查询到的录像数量、录像查询的操作时间 ,以便帮助您实现在具体硬件设备上录像查询的目的;该些信息是您使用前述功能的必要信息,若您拒绝提供,我们将无法为您提供相应服务
若您使用云台监控设备下的“全景照片”功能时,我们会为向您提供该功能之目的收集您的监控设备的视频画面全景截图 ;该截图将在您使用该监控设备期间持续保存。若您拒绝提供,您将无法使用“全景照片”功能,但不影响您使用预览、播放、回放功能。
需要说明的是,除非您另外使用基于视频内容分析的增值服务并相应授权予智诺,我们不会、也无法查看或使用您的视频内容及 /或上述视频截图

当您使用智能硬件设备下的语音对讲功能时,我们会要求您开启麦克风权限 ,同时会收集您的硬件设备的序列号、当前网络状态、设备内网IP、设备外网IP ,和您的客户端终端设备的客户端类型、客户端版本号、操作系统版本、操作系统类型、对讲操作时间、对讲时长、对讲操作结果 ,以便为您实现该功能之目的。您可以通过系统设置关闭麦克风权限拒绝我们收集,这将使您无法使用该项功能,但不会影响您使用硬件设备或智诺业务应用的其他功能。

当您使用基于用户基准信息的分析或对比功能时(主要包括人脸/人形识别、车辆识别、声音识别、文字识别、人脸/指纹开锁),您需要在开启相册权限、存储权限之后录入人脸图片、指纹、声音、文字信息 ,以便我们提取和处理您所提交的基准信息的特征值并在硬件设备上实现相关服务,具体操作请以界面提示为准 人脸图片、指纹信息和声音信息属于敏感个人信息,您须谨慎决定是否使用。 若您拒绝提供上述基准信息,您将无法使用基于该些信息的分析或比对功能,但不会影响您使用硬件设备或智诺业务应用的其他功能。
请您注意,部分智诺物联网硬件设备可以支持基于本地的分析或比对功能(包括指纹开锁,以硬件设备所配的具体说明为准),该类本地功能下,>智诺云端仅接收验证结果,以便在您同意信息通知提醒的前提下向您推送消息提醒, 但并不会以回传服务器或其他方式收集您的该些信息(您主动另外授权时除外)

当您开启监控设备的事件消息提醒与通知功能时,我们会收集您的智能物联网硬件设备(监控设备)拍摄的视频截图 (是否有视频截图依赖于您硬件设备的性能) ,从而将截图作为硬件设备事件消息内容推送给您。本功能为可选功能,您可以通过拒绝通知权限而阻止我们向您推送消息通知,也可以通过关闭您的客户端终端设备的【消息通知】设置按钮而拒绝该功能。这将使您无法使用该项功能,但不会影响您使用硬件设备或智诺业务应用的其他功能。

当您使用基于智诺云的增值服务或其他附加业务功能时,我们会收集与服务目的直接相关的您的个人信息,具体服务目的、为达成该服务目的所收集和处理的个人信息将以服务说明或使用规则形式向您提示并获取您的明示同意。 本功能为可选功能,若您不使用,不会影响您使用硬件设备或智诺业务应用的其他功能。

B 、调用的敏感权限:
在Zanuo APP下包括:

3. 消息推送功能:

为便于您及时了解您的智诺产品及服务使用情况,我们会向您提供消息通知推送,在Zanuo APP下包括:

(1)您的智能物联网硬件设备的事件消息 ,包括监控设备下“有人出现”;该类消息于事件被触发时推送,频次由您的硬件设备安装环境、事件类型决定;

(2)您的各项智诺服务使用提醒 ,包括服务到期前1-3天向您推送续费提醒;该类消息由智诺根据您的服务使用情况推送,频次由您的服务使用情况决定;


当您使用Zanuo APP的推送功能时,我们会将上述通知消息按下述方式向您推送:

(1)应用内消息推送:即以消息通知横幅方式向您提示上述消息。此时,我们会收集和使用您的客户端终端设备的 网络信息、设备类型、设备型号、操作系统、设备平台、设备厂商、设备品牌 。此类信息属于该功能的必需信息,若您不同意采集这类信息,您将无法正常使用应用内推送功能。您可以通过关闭【消息通知】设置按钮来管理和控制这部分信息的推送。关闭该功能不会影响您使用智诺账号或其他智诺服务。

(2)手机桌面推送:即将上述消息推送至您的手机桌面。本功能通过第三方SDK实现,由第三方 SDK直接收集及使用您的相应个人信息 ;所涉及的第三方SDK主要依据您所使用的手机系统(ios、Android等)的推送SDK。若您不同意被采集使用该些信息,您将无法正常使用桌面推送功能。若您不需要使用该功能,您可以通过您的手机操作系统“设置-通知”来关闭、管理和控制这部分信息的推送。关闭该功能不会影响您使用智诺账号或其他智诺服务。



A 、个人信息使用范围:

(1)客户端终端设备信息 :我们会根据您在软件安装及使用中授予的具体权限,接收并记录您用来安装使用智诺软件的客户端终端设备信息,包括客户端类型、客户端版本号、设备型号、操作系统版本号、操作系统语言、 IP 地址、网络接入方式及运营商、已安装应用包名、SIM卡状态、运行列表/运行中进程 /任务列表、ANDROID ID(安卓手机) 。请您了解,这些信息是我们提供服务和保障产品正常运行以及对智诺软件进行更新提示时所必需的基本信息,若您拒绝提供,我们将无法为您提供服务。

(2)智能物联网硬件设备信息:当您的智能硬件设备完成绑定之后,我们会自动接收并记录相关智能硬件 设备的信息,包括类型、型号、固件编号、MAC 地址、系统版本号及系统设置。 我们依赖这些信息向您提供服务及保障硬件设备安全运行,若您拒绝提供,我们将无法为您提供智能硬件设备操控管理相关的服务,但不影响您使用智诺账号或智诺业务应用下其他功能。需请您注意的是,在系统设置为允许硬件设备自动升级时(部分硬件设备下默认启用此设置),我们将在有升级包时自动为您安装运行,以确保您的智能硬件设备与您所使用的智诺软件始终有效适配。

(3)日志信息 :当您使用我们的服务时,我们会自动收集(包括后台运行状态下收集)您对我们服务的详细使用情况,作为相关网络日志保存,我们记录您的客户端终端设备的基本信息(客户端类型、客户端版本号、设备型号、操作系统版本号、操作系统语言)、网络信息(IP 地址、网络连接方式以及运营商),您的 操作记录(页面曝光、点击按钮、卡顿、崩溃数据) 。我们依赖这些信息向您提供服务及保障您的客户端终端设备安全运行,若您拒绝提供,我们将无法为您提供服务。

请注意,单独的客户端终端设备信息、日志信息是无法识别特定自然人身份的信息。 若有需要将这类非个人信息与其他信息结合用于识别特定自然人身份,或者将其与个人信息结合使用,则在结合使用期间,这类非个人信息将被视为个人信息,除取得您授权或法律法规另有规定外,我们会将该类个人信息做匿名化、去标识化处理。

B 、敏感权限调用


C 、使用第三方 SDK>

在Zanuo APP下包括:

【阿里移动推送 AlicloudPushIoT 、专有云推送 IMSPCloudPush 、IMSPCloudNetwork 】SDK ,用于推送智能物联网设备事件消息。


A. 个人信息使用范围

1. 我们会根据需要整合使用您的个人信息及/或我们以合法方式获取的与您的服务或产品使用行为有关的其他信息,以便于您追踪订单情况、发起用户投诉以及我们优化客户服务的质量与流程。

2. 我们会根据需要对我们的产品与/或服务使用情况进行统计,将已经去标识化的无法识别您身份且不能复原的信息用于建立数据库并进行商业化利用,以上简称“统计信息 ” ;我们会根据需要与公众或第三方共享这些统计信息,以展示我们的产品与/或服务的整体使用趋势及/或形成与此有关的市场满意度调研报告、服务改善计划相关研究成果。

3. 当我们要将您的个人信息用于本政策未载明的其它用途时,或基于特定目的收集而来的信息用于其他目的时,会通过您主动做出勾选的形式事先征求您的同意。


您充分知晓,根据《信息安全技术个人信息安全规范》及其法律依据, 以下情形中对您个人信息的收集、使用无需征得您的授权同意:

1 .与智诺履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;

2 .与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;

3 .与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;

4 .与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;

5 .出于维护您个人或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;

6 .所涉及的个人信息是您自行向社会公众公开的;

7 .根据您与我们签订和履行合同或其他书面文件所必需的;

8 .从合法公开披露的信息中收集的您的个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道;

9 .用于维护我们的产品与/或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品与/或服务的故障;发现、调查欺诈、非法、侵权或违约行为。














( 1 )取得您或您监护人的明确同意 :获取您或您监护人的明确同意后,我们会与其他方共享您的个人信息;

( 2 )履行法定义务所必需的共享 :我们会根据法律法规的规定,诉讼、争议解决的必要,或按司法、行政机关及其他有权机关依法提出的要求以及其他法定义务履行的必需,共享您的个人信息;

( 3 )与我们的关联公司共享 :我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且受本政策中所声明的目的的约束,若我们共享您的敏感个人信息或关联公司改变个人信息的使用及处理目的,将再次征求您的授权同意。我们承诺,我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且这种共享受本政策目的的约束;同时,我们会通过包括关联公司间法律文件、内部系统及员工权限隔离在内的多种措施确保安全。

( 4 )根据您与智诺之间的相关服务协议、使用规则的约定及为实现向您服务之目的与我们的合作方共享: 具体根据您通过各智诺软件购买的产品或服务,以及您选择启用的智诺云服务和/或增值服务而定。




在超出保存期限后,我们会根据适用法律的要求删除您的个人信息,或将其匿名化处理。若您注销账号或主动删除个人信息,我们将依据相应的法律法规规定进行处理 。

3. 终止运营: 若发生终止运营的情形,我们将会至少提前30天通知您,并在终止运营后对您的个人信息根据法律法规的要求进行处理。


按照相关的法律、法规、标准,以及行业通行做法,我们保障您依法行使个人信息主体权利。 您可便利地行使下述个人信息主体权利:



(1)您的账号信息:在Zanuo APP下,您可通过主界面下“我的”进入个人资料和账号安全页面,进行包括头像、昵称、手机号码、密码、邮箱在内的注册信息的查询及更新,也可以查看您的登录终端、操作日志。其他智诺软件可以在“我的”页面进行相应设置。

(2)您的智诺云服务使用情况。在Zanuo APP下,您可查看您已绑定的智能物联网硬件设备,还可通过单个设备的详情页查看包括智能硬件设备型号、序列号、设备名称在内的产品信息,以及包括硬件设备的网络接入方式、增值服务使用情况、分享情况在内的您的使用信息。













1. 改变或撤回敏感权限设置


(2)您可以在智诺 APP “我的-设置”中操作关闭或开启相应的权限,关闭授权后我们将不再收集与这些权限相关信息

2. 改变或撤回隐私政策授权

您可以在Zanuo APP“我的-设置-隐私声明-撤回隐私政策授权”中 页面申请撤回隐私政策授权。您撤回后我们将不再使用您的个人信息、并仅能为您提供浏览相关基础模式服务。您仍可通过补充授权使用完整功能。



您可以通过Zanuo APP注销账号,请您注意,账号注销是不可逆的操作,在注销账号之后,我们将停止为您提供产品或服务,您的账号下权益将被全部清除,您的个人信息将被删除或匿名化处理,法律法规另有规定的除外。若要注销您的账号功能,您可进入Zanuo应用后进行如下操作:

点击“我的” → “个人信息” → “注销” → “确认注销”的功能按钮,进行个人账号的注销功能,当您注销账号后,我们会立即在后台删除您的个人信息






如果您无法通过上述方式管理您的个人信息,或您需要查询您所被获取的个人信息或个人信息类型、来源、所用于的目的,以及获得上述个人信息的第三方身份或类型,或您有其他的个人信息权利诉求, 您均可以发送电子邮件与我们联系。为了保障安全,我们会需要您提供书面请求,或以其他方式证明您的身份,我们将在收到您反馈并验证您的身份后的 15 个工作日内答复您的请求。



智诺非常重视对未成年人个人信息的保护。我们在向用户提供产品或服务时不以年龄识别为前提,但我们的产品与/或服务性质要求您应当为具备完全民事行为能力的成年人。 若您为未成年人,我们要求您请您的监护人仔细阅读本隐私政策,并在征得您的监护人同意、且在其监督下使用我们的服务或向我们提供信息。若您为实现与儿童互动的目的,通过我们的产品与/或服务收集或向我们提交未成年人的个人信息的,请您务必确保已事先获得其法定监护人的授权同意。



我们会根据需要适时对本政策进行变更。未经您明确同意,我们不会削减您按照本政策所应享有的权利,也不会主动调整您已进行的个人信息相关设置。 我们会在本页面上发布对本政策所作的任何变更。










Privacy Policy

Updated:01 January 2023

Effective 01 January 2023


I. Scope of Application

This Policy applies to the products and services provided by Zhinuo Company (including Hangzhou Zhinuo Technology Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Zhinuo Technology Co., Ltd., and other related topics belonging to the same enterprise group and complying with the same management system, unified security and operation and maintenance management, hereinafter referred to as "Zhinuo" or "We") that can be linked to this Policy and their extended functions, including APPs, websites, clients, Mini Programs that support the unified service system of Zhinuo Account, and various products and services provided to you in new forms with the development of technology.

In order to provide you with consistent services in different products, Zhinuo has established a unified account service system among multiple business applications. Within the service scope of the service system, Zhinuo will jointly collect and process personal information related to Zhinuo account registration and login when you log in and use applications within the system; Business applications within the service system are also guidelines for personal information protection based on this policy, and separate independent privacy policies or similar documents are formulated as needed. If a product provided by us has a separate privacy policy or a special agreement in the corresponding user service agreement, the privacy policy or special agreement of the product will be applied preferentially. The content not covered by the product privacy policy and special agreement shall prevail over the content of this policy.

Please note that this policy does not apply to other third party products or services that you access through our products or services (the "other third party" includes any third party websites and third party service providers), as specified in the third party's privacy policy or similar statement.

II. Related Definitions

Titles in this Policy are provided for ease of reading and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provisions.

The concepts and terms cited in this Policy shall be interpreted as follows:

A.Zhinuo Client Software: Also referred to as "Zhinuo Software" and "Zhinuo Business Applications", it refers to various systems and software including Zhinuo website and client that carry Zhinuo services, as well as other domain names, systems and software products launched by Zhinuo from time to time according to business operation needs. The actual operating entity of each Zhinuo software shall be subject to the individual prompts or statements of the corresponding software.

B. Personal information: all kinds of information related to identified or identifiable natural persons recorded electronically or in other ways, excluding information processed anonymously.

C.Sensitive personal information: refers to personal information that can easily cause the personal dignity of natural persons to be infringed upon or the personal and property safety of natural persons once leaked or illegally used, including biometrics, religious beliefs, specific identities, medical and health care, financial accounts, whereabouts and other information, as well as personal information of minors under the age of 14.

D.Collection: refers to the act of obtaining the control right of personal information, including the act of actively collecting personal information, such as actively providing personal information, interacting with or recording the behavior of the subject of personal information, and indirectly obtaining personal information through sharing, transferring, and collecting public information. If the provider of a product or service provides a tool for the use of a personal information subject, and the provider does not access personal information, it does not belong to the collection of personal information.

E.Authorization consent: Sometimes also expressed as "authorization" and "consent", it refers to the behavior of the subject of personal information to make a clear authorization for the specific processing of their personal information, including authorization through positive acts, and authorization through negative inaction.

F.Delete: refers to the act of removing personal information from the system involved in the implementation of daily business functions, so as to keep it in a state that cannot be retrieved or accessed.

G.SDK: Also known as the software development toolkit, the industry generally refers to the collection of development tools when building application software, such as specific software packages, software frameworks, hardware platforms, operating systems, etc.

H.Client terminal equipment: Also referred to as "terminal" or "terminal equipment" in this article, it refers to the mobile Internet terminal equipment used by you to download and install Zhinuo business applications, mainly including mobile phones and PAD.

I.Intelligent Internet of Things hardware device: Also referred to as "smart device" or "hardware device" in this article, it refers to the intelligent hardware products that you bind and manage through Zhinuo business applications.

J.Permission: Also referred to as "application permission" in this article, it refers to the system function scope that your client terminal equipment is open to Zhinuo business applications, mainly including photo album, microphone, Bluetooth, and location.


Please read and fully understand this policy before using the various products/services we provide. Contents closely related to your rights and interests will be highlighted in bold or underlined format; By the time you use or continue to use our products/services, you are aware of the contents of this Privacy Policy and understand the features we provide to you and the necessary personal information necessary for the functionality to function, but this does not mean that you have agreed that we may collect non-essential personal information that will be solicited separately from you based on your authorization to use it. In addition, the corresponding client terminal device permissions will not be turned on by default. When important or sensitive terminal device permissions are involved, we will open another pop-up window after obtaining your consent when you use the corresponding business functions; After the permission is turned on, you can also set the shutdown permission through the terminal device at any time; If you do not agree to open permissions, it will not affect the normal use of other non-related business functions. Personal sensitive information will also be processed separately with your consent.

If you refuse this Privacy Policy, it means that you refuse to provide us with authorization for personal information, and we will only be able to provide you with content browsing services that do not rely on personal information (that is, the basic mode, due to different business functions, the scope of basic mode services under different Zhino client software will be different).

IV. Cooperation

Your understanding and cooperation is important for us to protect the personal information and privacy of you and your associates. Your identity documents, passwords, SMS verification codes, client terminal device verification codes and other private information are kept by you. Please carefully evaluate the physical and electronic environment when keeping, entering, and using this information to prevent information leakage. In addition, our products and/or services enable you to collect or use content containing personal information of others; In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the subject of personal information, please take care to ensure that the authorized consent of the relevant subject has been legally obtained before submitting it to us or collecting personal information of others through our products and services. In particular, if the aforementioned information relates to the child's personal information, you need to obtain the consent of the corresponding child's guardian in advance.

V. Contact Zhinuo

If you wish to revoke your authorization or have any questions regarding the contents of the Agreement, you may contact us through the following contact details in this Agreement. However, please understand and agree that when you withdraw certain licenses, the product functions associated with them will be unavailable, we will not be able to continue to provide you with the specific functions and services for which you withdraw your consent or authorization, and your decision to withdraw your authorization will not affect the personal information processing previously carried out based on your authorization. We will respond to your request within 15 business days:1.Contact us for in-app online customer service or telephone customer service 2. Contact us at support@zanuotech.com.

Chapter I: Collecting and Using Your Personal Information

I. Personal information collected and used

We will collect and use your personal information for the following purposes of this policy:

1. Provide products/services and corresponding business functions

Registration, login and verification of Zhinuo account:

(A) Scope of use of personal information:

a) When you register or log in to Zhinuo account, we will collect your mobile phone number, email address, password and SMS/email verification code; This information is necessary to help you complete the registration and/or login of Zhinuo account, protect the security of your account and meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations for online real-name systems; If you refuse to provide, you will not be able to successfully register and/or log in.

b) When you reset your password for your account, we collect your SMS/Email Authentication Code information, which is required to modify the password function. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to successfully modify the password, but it will not affect your use of the registration or login function (if the password before your modification is still valid).

c) In order to make it easier for you to register and log in, we also provide the "One-click Login" function (not all Zhinuo business applications are supported, please refer to the actual prompt on each application page). When you choose to use this feature, we will collect your mobile phone number indirectly from your carrier, without manually entering it. This is the information necessary to implement this feature. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use the One-Button Login feature, but it will not affect your use of other methods of registering or logging in.

d) In order to enable you to log in more securely and conveniently, if your client terminal device supports the fingerprint function or the face ID function, you can choose to use the fingerprint or face ID login method (not all Zhinuo business applications are supported, please refer to the actual prompt on each application page). You will need to enter your fingerprint information or face ID information on your client terminal device to complete the verification of the information, which is necessary for you to use this feature. Please note that we only receive verification results and do not collect your fingerprint information or face ID information. Face images and fingerprint information are your sensitive personal information. If you do not need to use this login method, you can also choose the login method of password or SMS verification code. This feature is optional and will not affect your access to your account or services if you do not use it.

e) After you register, you can choose to fill in the account profile information, including nickname, avatar, mailbox, regional information, intelligent Internet of Things hardware application scenarios, according to your own needs, in order to use our other services; The service content corresponding to the regional information and equipment applicable scenario information will be informed to you through the system prompt. This information is not necessary for the registration, login, and authentication functions. If you refuse to provide this information, it will reduce the ability to protect your account, but it will not affect your use of the registration or login function.

f) You can also choose to bind a third-party account (including WeChat account, Apple ID, or other accounts, subject to the application interface prompts), so that we can provide you with fast registration or login services. This feature is optional and will not affect your access to your account or services if you do not use it.

(B) The sensitive permission invoked under Zanuo APP includes: [camera] permission: when you [Take a picture and upload a user avatar] function, we need to retrieve your permission; If you deny permissions to the relevant system, you will not be able to use this feature; [Photo Library] permission, including [Write Photo Library Only] and [Read and Write Photo Library]: When you [Photo Upload User Portrait] and [Download Video/Picture] functions, we need to retrieve your permission; If you deny permissions to the relevant system, you will not be able to use this feature.
(C) Use the third-party SDK under Zanuo APP includes:

[User Unified Authentication IMS Authentication] SDK, which is used to verify the correctness of the identity when registering or logging in.

Zhinuo Cloud Service: Under the premise of login of Zhinuo account, you can bind your intelligent hardware products and remotely control or manage them in specific Zhinuo software, including Zanuo APP (that is, "Zhinuo Cloud Service"). We will collect and use the corresponding personal information according to the specific functions you choose to use:

(A) Scope of use of personal information:

a) Add distribution network for intelligent Internet of Things hardware devices: When you bind your intelligent Internet of Things hardware device and configure the network for use in order to use Zhinuo Cloud service, we will collect the information of your bound intelligent Internet of Things hardware device (most of the time for device serial number, device verification code; If it is a hardware device without a authentication code, you need to use the device serial number and the user token information randomly generated by us under your account information), and the basic information of the client terminal device (client type, client version number, device model, hardware signature code, operating system version number, operator information); When your intelligent Internet of Things hardware device is connected via WiFi, we will also collect the network connection method of your hardware device, operator, Wifi information (Wi-Fi fi SSID information, BSSID information, signal strength), and Wifi password; When your smart hardware device connects via Bluetooth, we collect the Bluetooth Mac address information for your smart hardware device. This information is the basic information necessary to complete the binding of smart hardware devices and further provide you with Zhinuo Cloud services. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use smart hardware device addition features. In addition, when you configure the network for your Internet of Things hardware devices, we will also use the location permissions of your client terminal devices to search for wifi information in order to complete the network distribution function for you; Denying permission to open a location prevents you from using the feature. Please note that this location information is not uploaded to the server and will not be recorded and stored. Under ZanuoAPP, if you use the Add Device Location Escalation, Weather Related Function at this stage simultaneously, we will collect the specific geographic locations of your client terminal devices (including provincial and municipal streets, longitude and latitude) after you turn on the location and location permissions, so as to achieve the purpose of this function for you. You can turn off Location and Location permission to deny our collection through the system settings, which will prevent you from using this feature, but it will not affect your ability to add features using smart hardware devices.

b) Preview, play and replay of video shot by monitoring equipment: when you use the functions of preview, play, replay and download of monitoring video, you are required to fill in the equipment secret key and SMS verification code of your monitoring equipment. We will collect the serial number of your monitoring equipment, the IP of the internal network of the equipment, the IP of the external network of the equipment, the type of network currently connected, the current network status, and the (mobile phone) operator type, client type, client version number, operating system version, operating system type, equipment model, equipment screen width, equipment screen height, equipment screen direction, and equipment screen density of your client terminal equipment, so that you can achieve the purpose of this function; In addition, we collect acceleration sensor information from your client terminal device (mobile phone only) when you use the preview and playback functions to judge the vertical and horizontal screen of the mobile phone. This information is necessary for you to use the Surveillance Video View feature, and if you refuse to provide it, we will not be able to provide you with the appropriate service. When you query the video recording of monitoring equipment, we will collect the serial number of your monitoring equipment and the client type and client version number of your client terminal equipment, as well as the video recording results queried, the number of videos queried, and the operation time of video recording query, so as to help you achieve the purpose of video recording query on specific hardware equipment; This information is necessary for you to use the aforementioned features, and if you refuse to provide it, we will not be able to provide you with the appropriate services. When you use the surveillance video preview and playback functions, we collect a screenshot of the current video footage of your surveillance equipment to show you so that you can identify the surveillance location, and the screenshot will be deleted immediately the next day. You can deny our collection via video encryption. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to view the previous screenshots on the home page of the surveillance video, but it will not affect your use of the preview, playback, and playback functions. If you use the "Panoramic Photo" function under the cloud monitoring device, we will collect panoramic screenshots of the video screen of your monitoring device for the purpose of providing you with this function; The screenshot will be saved continuously while you are using the monitoring device. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use the Panorama Photo function, but it will not affect your use of the Preview, Playback, and Playback functions. It should be noted that we will not and will not be able to view or use your video content and/or the video screenshots above, unless you otherwise use value-added services based on video content analysis and license them accordingly.

c) Voice Intercom Function of Hardware Device: When you use the voice intercom function under the intelligent hardware device, we will ask you to turn on the microphone permission, and collect the serial number of your hardware device, current network status, device intranet IP, device extranet IP, and the client type, client version number, operating system version, operating system type, intercom operation time, intercom duration and intercom operation result of your client terminal device in order to achieve the purpose of this function for you. You can turn off the microphone permission by setting the system to deny our collection, which will prevent you from using this feature, but it will not affect your use of hardware devices or other features of Zhinuo business applications.

d) Hardware Device Analysis or Comparison Function: when you use the analysis or comparison function based on user benchmark information (mainly including face/figure recognition, vehicle recognition, sound recognition, text recognition and face/fingerprint unlocking), you need to enter face pictures, fingerprints, sounds and text information after opening photo album permissions and storing permissions, so that we can extract and process the feature values of the benchmark information submitted by you and realize related services on the hardware equipment. For specific operations, please refer to the interface prompts. Face pictures, fingerprint information and voice information are sensitive personal information and you must carefully decide whether to use them. If you refuse to provide the above baseline information, you will not be able to use the analysis or comparison functions based on this information, but it will not affect your use of hardware devices or other functions of Zhinuo business applications. Please note that some Zhino IoT hardware devices can support local-based analysis or comparison functions (including fingerprint unlock, subject to the specific instructions provided by the hardware device). Under such local functions, Zhino Cloud only receives verification results to push message reminders to you on the premise that you agree to the information notification reminder, but will not collect your information in a back-haul server or other way (except when you actively authorize otherwise).

e) Video screenshots of monitoring equipment as event message contents: When you turn on event message reminder and notification function of monitoring equipment, we will collect video screenshots taken by your intelligent Internet of Things hardware equipment (monitoring equipment) (whether there are video screenshots depends on the performance of your hardware equipment), so as to push the screenshots as hardware event message content to you. This feature is optional. You can prevent us from pushing message notifications to you by denying permission to notify, or you can deny it by turning off the Message Notification setup button on your client endpoint. This will prevent you from using this feature, but it will not affect your use of hardware devices or other features of Zhinuo business applications.

f) Other business functions: When you use the value-added services or other additional business functions based on Zhinuo Cloud, we will collect your personal information directly related to the purpose of the service. The specific purpose of the service, the personal information collected and processed for the purpose of achieving the purpose of the service, will prompt you in the form of service description or usage rules and obtain your express consent. This feature is optional and will not affect your use of hardware devices or other features of business applications if you do not use it.

(B) Sensitive permission to call: under Zanuo APP, includes:

[Camera] permission: when you [Scan Code to Add Equipment] and [Take pictures and add face image information under My-Face Management Function], we need to retrieve your permission; If you deny the relevant system permissions, you will not be able to use the aforementioned business functions;

[Access location] permission, when you [Device Configuration], we need to call your permission; If you deny the relevant system permissions, you will not be able to use these business functions;

[Microphone/Recording] Permission: When you [Use Voice Intercom Previewed by Monitoring Device], we need to retrieve your permission; If you deny permissions to the relevant system, you will not be able to use these business functions.

[Access Network Permission] Permission: When you [Use LAN Hardware Equipment Preview Function], we need to retrieve your permission; If you deny the relevant system permissions, you will not be able to use the aforementioned business functions;

[Photo Library] permissions, including [Write Photo Library] and [Read and Write Photo Library]: We need to call your permission when you [Scan code to add device], [Download pictures/videos], [Save pictures/videos in the media library], [Use video editing function], [Save and share QR code pictures of devices], [Select and add face image information from album under My-Face Management function]; If you deny the relevant system permissions, you will not be able to use these business functions.

Message push functions:

In order to facilitate your timely understanding of the use of your Zhino products and services, we will provide you with a message notification push, under Zanuo APP, including:

a) Event messages for your intelligent Internet of Things hardware device, including "someone appears" under the monitoring device; This type of message is pushed when the event is triggered, and the frequency is determined by your hardware equipment installation environment and event type;

b) Reminders for the use of your various Zhinuo services, including sending you renewal reminders 1-3 days before the service expires; This type of message is pushed by Zhino according to your service usage, and the frequency is determined by your service use;

c) ZhiNuo's system service messages, including service agreement and privacy policy updates, and release of new application versions; This type of message is pushed by Zhino according to the needs of business operations, and the frequency is not fixed for the time being.

When you use the push feature of Zanuo APP, we push the above notification messages to you as follows:

a) In-Application Message Push: the above message is prompted to you in the form of a message notification banner. At this point, we collect and use network information, device types, device models, operating systems, device platforms, device vendors, and device brands for your client end devices. This information is required for this feature, and if you do not agree to collect this information, you will not be able to use the push function within the application properly. You can manage and control the push of this part of the information by closing the Message Notification setting button. Turning off this feature will not affect your use of your Zhinuo account or other Zhinuo services.

b) Mobile Desktop Push: The above message will be pushed to your mobile desktop. This function is implemented through a third-party SDK, which directly collects and uses your corresponding personal information; The third-party SDK involved is mainly based on the push SDK of the mobile phone system you are using (ios, Android, etc.). If you do not agree to be collected to use this information, you will not be able to use Desktop Push normally. If you do not want to use this feature, you can turn off, manage and control the push of this part of the message through your phone's operating system Settings-Notification. Turning off this feature will not affect your use of your Zhinuo account or other Zhinuo services.

2. Provide security and operation and maintenance services

During your use of our products and/or services, in order to identify the abnormal status of your account and ensure the security of your account and system operation, we will directly or indirectly collect and store relevant information generated during your use of our products and/or services, including:

A. Scope of use of personal information:

(1) Client Terminal Device Information: We will receive and record the client terminal device information used to install and use Zhinuo software according to the specific permissions granted by you during software installation and use, including client type, client version number, device model, operating system version number, operating system language, IP address, network access mode and operator, installed application package name, SIM card status, run list/running process/task list,ANDROID ID(Android phones). Please understand that this information is essential for providing services and ensuring the proper operation of the product and for prompting updates to Zhino Software. If you refuse to provide it, we will not be able to provide services for you.

(2) Intelligent Internet of Things hardware device information: When your intelligent hardware device is bound, we will automatically receive and record relevant intelligent hardware device information, including type, model, firmware number, MAC address, system version number and system settings. We rely on this information to provide you with services and ensure the safe operation of hardware devices. If you refuse to provide them, we will not be able to provide you with services related to the control and management of intelligent hardware devices, but it will not affect your use of Zhinuo account or other functions under Zhinuo business applications. Please note that when the system is set to allow automatic upgrades of hardware devices (enabled by default under some hardware devices), we will automatically install and run for you when there is an upgrade package to ensure that your smart hardware device always adapts effectively to the Zhino software you are using.

(3) Log Information: When you use our service, we will automatically collect (including the detailed usage of our service under background running status), save it as relevant network log, and record basic information of your client terminal equipment (client type, client version number, device model, operating system version number, operating system language), network information (IP address, network connection mode and operator), and your operation record (page exposure, click button, stutter, crash data). We rely on this information to provide you with services and ensure the safe operation of your client terminal devices. If you refuse to provide them, we will not be able to provide services for you.

Please note that separate client terminal device information, log information is information that cannot identify a specific natural person. If it is necessary to combine such non-personal information with other information to identify specific natural persons, or to use it in combination with personal information, such non-personal information will be regarded as personal information during the combined use. In addition to obtaining your authorization or otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, we will anonymize and de-identify such personal information.

B. Sensitive permission calling

Not involved.

C. Use a third-party SDK

Under the Zanuo APP include:

[Ali Mobile pushes Alicloud Push IoT, private cloud pushes IMSP Cloud Push, IMSP Cloud Network] SDK is used to push intelligent Internet of Things device event messages.

3. Other Use Scenarios

1. We will integrate your personal information and/or other legally obtained information related to your service or product usage as needed so that you can track orders, initiate user complaints, and optimize the quality and process of customer service.

2. We will make statistics on the use of our products and/or services according to needs, and use the de-identified information that cannot identify you and cannot be recovered for the establishment of databases and commercial utilization, which is referred to as "statistical information"; We will share these statistics with the public or third parties as necessary to display the overall usage trends of our products and/or services and/or form relevant market satisfaction research reports and research results related to service improvement plans.

3. When we intend to use your personal information for other purposes not set forth in this Policy, or for other purposes for which information has been collected for a particular purpose, your prior consent will be sought in the form of an unsolicited checkmark.

II. Exceptions to prior authorised consent for the collection and use of personal information

You are fully aware that in accordance with the Information Security Technology Personal Information Security Code and its legal basis, the collection and use of your personal information does not require your authorized consent in the following circumstances:

1. Related to Zhinuo's performance of obligations prescribed by laws and regulations;

2. Directly related to national security and national defense security;

3. Directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

4. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

5. Out of protecting your personal or other personal life, property and other major legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain my consent;

6. The personal information involved is disclosed to the public by yourself;

7. as necessary for the signing and performance of contracts or other written documents between you and us;

8. Your personal information collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

9. necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of our products and/or services, such as the detection and disposal of product and/or service failures; Identify and investigate fraud, illegality, infringement or breach of contract.

III. Changes in the purpose for which personal information is collected and used

Please understand that our products and/or services will change as our business evolves. In principle, when a new feature or service relates to a feature or service we currently offer, the personal information collected and used will be deemed to be directly or reasonably relevant to the purpose of the original process. In scenarios that are not directly or reasonably related to the original processing purpose, we will collect and use your personal information, and will once again inform you by page prompts, interactive procedures, and agreement confirmation in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations and national standards, and obtain your consent.

Chapter II: Entrust processing, sharing, and storing your personal information

I. Entrusted Processing

We will delegate the processing of your personal information to an authorized Partner, as required, so that the authorized Partner can provide you with some of the services or implement specific functions on our behalf, within the scope of our authorization. We will entrust the processing of your information for legal, justified, necessary, specific and explicit purposes as stated in this Policy. At the same time, we will specify the purpose, duration, processing method, and type of personal information entrusted for processing in the form of a written agreement, and agree strict data protection measures with authorized partners to allow them to process personal information in accordance with this policy and written agreements, and supervise the processing of personal information by authorized partners. If an Authorized Partner uses your information for processing purposes that we do not entrust, it will separately seek your consent.

In addition, when the Authorized Partner provides processing of the Entrusted Information through an embedded SDK or other similar application, we will perform strict security inspection on the Application Program Interface (API) and Software Tool Development Kit (SDK) of the Authorized Partner to obtain the relevant information to ensure that it receives and uses the Entrusted Information within the agreed scope.

Currently, the types of Authorized Partners we have commissioned are:

(1) Authorized partners of advertising and analysis services, we will entrust these partners to process information related to advertising push, coverage and effectiveness on the premise of adopting common security technologies in the industry. We will not entrust your personally identifiable information to such partners for processing;

(2) Suppliers that provide business operation support for Zhinuo, including warehouse logistics providers, outsourced customer service, installers, authorized maintenance providers, and service providers that provide payment convenience. We need to share your order information or product information or contact information with these suppliers in order to provide you with appropriate services;

(3) To assist our partners who provide you with some value-added or additional services, we will entrust the partners with the necessary personal information based on the specific services you choose.

II. Sharing

We undertake to share your personal information with third parties only for the legal, justified, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes set forth in this Policy, and only for such personal information as may be necessary for the achievement of the relevant purpose. At the same time, we will also do a good job of managing third parties through various methods including strict access, confidentiality agreements, audits and supervision, and require them to handle relevant information with confidentiality and security measures that are not lower than those required by this policy.

We do not share your personal information externally, except in the following situations:

(1) Obtain the explicit consent of you or your guardian: After obtaining the explicit consent of you or your guardian, we will share your personal information with other parties;

(2) Sharing necessary for fulfilling legal obligations: we will share your personal information according to the provisions of laws and regulations, the necessity of litigation and dispute resolution, or the necessity of performing judicial and administrative organs and other competent organs according to law and other legal obligations;

(3) Sharing with our Affiliates: We will only share the necessary personal information and will be bound by the purposes stated in this Policy. If we share your sensitive personal information or if the Affiliates change the purpose for which the personal information is used and processed, we will seek your authorization again. We undertake that we will only share the necessary personal information and that such sharing is subject to the purposes of this Policy; At the same time, we will ensure security through a variety of measures, including intercompany legal documents, internal system and employee privilege isolation.

(4) Share with our partners according to the relevant service agreement between you and Zhinuo, the agreement of the usage rules and the purpose of serving you: it depends on the products or services purchased by you through each Zhinuo software, and the Zhinuo cloud services and/or value-added services that you choose to enable.

Please note that the shared party usually has its own independent privacy policy or related statement, and we recommend that you carefully review and make such choices as you deem appropriate before making the relevant authorizations.

III. Storage

Unless there are legal and regulatory retention requirements, we will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes set forth in this policy. We judge that the storage period of personal information mainly refers to the following standards and whichever is longer: the service time provided for you by Zhino or the product, the completion of transaction purposes related to you, the maintenance of corresponding transaction and business records, in response to your inquiries or complaints; Guarantee the safety and quality of our services for you; Do you agree to a longer retention period? Whether there are other special agreements or legal and regulatory provisions on retention periods.

After the retention period is exceeded, your personal information will be deleted or anonymized as required by applicable law. If you log out of your account or actively delete personal information, we will handle it in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

Terminate Operations: In the event of termination, you will be notified at least 30 days in advance and your personal information will be processed in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements after termination.

Chapter III: Your Rights

In accordance with relevant laws, regulations, standards, and industry common practices, we guarantee that you exercise the rights of personal information subjects in accordance with the law. You can conveniently exercise the following personal information subject rights:

I. Visit or correct personal information

You have access to your personal information, except for legal and regulatory exceptions. When you want to exercise data access, you can access it yourself in the following ways:

(1) Your Account Information: under Zanuo APP, you can enter the personal data and account security page through My under the main interface to query and update the registration information including avatar, nickname, mobile phone number, password and email address. You can also view your login terminal and operation log. Other ZhiNuo software can be set up on the "My" page.

(2) Your use of Zhinuo Cloud services. Under Zanuo APP, you can view the Smart Internet of Things hardware devices that you have bound, and you can also view product information including the smart hardware device model, serial number, device name, and your usage information including the network access method of the hardware device, value-added service usage, and sharing through the details page of the individual device.

II. Delete personal information

You can directly erase or delete information from our product and/or service pages, including non-essential account registration information, order information, and shipping address information including avatar. The specific operation path is consistent with the above access or correction path.

You can request us to delete additional personal information in the following situations:

(1) If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

(2) If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

(3) If our handling of personal information violates the agreement with you;

(4) If you cancel your Zhinuo account;

(5) If we terminate our services and operations.

If we decide to respond to your request for deletion, we will also notify those entities that have obtained your personal information from us and require them to be removed in a timely manner, unless otherwise provided by law or regulations, or if these entities have obtained your independent authorization.

If, due to applicable legal and security technology restrictions, we are unable to remove the appropriate information from the backup system immediately after you or we assist you in removing the relevant information, we will securely store your personal information and restrict any further processing of it until the backup can be removed or anonymized.

III. Change the scope of consent to the authorization or withdraw the authorization

You can change the scope of your authorization to continue collecting personal information or withdraw your authorization by deleting information, turning off a service or function, making privacy settings on the Zhino website or software, and applying permission management; You can also withdraw all of our authorizations to continue collecting your personal information by logging out of your account. The specific paths are as follows:

1. Change or withdraw sensitive permission settings

a) You may change the agreed scope or withdraw your authorization by turning off the Geography, Camera, Microphone, Photo Album, and Address Book permissions in the operating system of your client terminal device itself. Information related to these permissions will no longer be collected when authorization is turned off.

b) You can turn off or turn on the corresponding permissions in "My-Settings" of Zhino APP. After closing the authorization, we will no longer collect information related to these permissions.

2. Change or withdraw privacy policy authorization

You can request withdrawal of privacy policy authorization from the Zanuo APP My-Settings-Privacy Statement-Withdraw Privacy Policy Authorization page. After you withdraw, we will no longer use your personal information and will only be able to provide you with browsing related basic mode services. You can still use the full functionality through supplemental licensing.

Please understand that each business function requires some basic personal information to complete. After you withdraw your consent or authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawal of consent or authorization, nor can we process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the processing of personal information previously performed based on your authorization.

IV. Write-off Account

You can log out of your account via Zanuo APP. Please note that logging out of your account is irreversible. After logging out of your account, we will stop providing you with products or services. Your rights and interests under your account will be completely eliminated. Your personal information will be deleted or anonymously processed, except as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

V. Obtaining a copy of personal information

You have access to copies of your personal information. You may contact us at any time if you need to obtain a copy of your personal information that we have collected. Subject to legal requirements and technical feasibility, we will provide you with a copy of your personal information upon request.

VI. Automatic Decision Making of Constraint Information System

At present, Zhinuo business functions do not make decisions based solely on non-manual automatic decision-making mechanisms including information systems and algorithms. If we consider it necessary to enable the a forementioned technical means in the course of operations, we will inform you in a timely manner. If you believe that these decisions have significantly affected your legitimate rights and interests, you have the right to ask us to explain, and we will also provide a method of appeal without infringing upon Zino's trade secrets or other user rights and interests, and the public interest.

VII. Personal Information Inquiry and Request Response

If you are unable to manage your personal information in the manner described above, or if you need to inquire about the type of personal information or personal information you have acquired, the source, the purpose for which you have obtained it, as well as the identity or type of third party who has obtained such personal information, or if you have other personal information rights claims, you may contact us by e-mail. To ensure your safety, we will require you to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity, and we will respond to your request within 15 working days of receiving your feedback and verifying your identity.

We do not charge a fee in principle for your reasonable requests, but we will charge a certain cost for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits. For requests that are repeated for no reason, require too many technical means, pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are very impractical, we will reject them according to the situation.

Chapter IV: Handling Personal Information of Minors

Zhino attaches great importance to the protection of minors' personal information. We do not provide products or services to users based on age identification, but the nature of our products and/or services requires that you be an adult with full civil capacity. If you are a minor, we require that you request your guardian to read this Privacy Policy carefully and to use or provide information to us with the consent and supervision of your guardian. If you collect or submit personal information about minors to us through our products and/or services for the purpose of interacting with children, please ensure that you have obtained the prior authorization of their legal guardian.

If legal guardians have reason to believe that minors have submitted personal information to us without your prior consent, or if they have questions about the way in which our minors' personal information is protected, please contact us through the methods specified in this policy.

Chapter V: Revision of this Policy

We will make changes to this policy as needed. We will not diminish your entitlements under this policy without your express consent, nor will we actively adjust the personal information settings you have made. Any changes to this policy will be posted on this page.

For major changes, we also provide more prominent notifications, including in the form of push notifications, pop-up windows, and sending emails. Please visit this policy regularly to read the latest version.

Significant changes referred to in this Policy include, but are not limited to:

1) Significant changes have taken place in our service model. Including the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, and the use mode of personal information;

2) Significant changes have taken place in our ownership structure and organizational structure. Including owner changes caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions;

3) The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed;

4) Significant changes have taken place in the rights and forms of your participation in the processing of personal information;

5) When the responsible department, contact method and complaint channel of personal information security are changed;

6) The Personal Information Security Impact Assessment Report indicates that there is a high risk.

(End of full text)